September 20, 2024


Washington. Researchers in the US have claimed that the BA.2 form of Omicron is far less lethal than the delta form of the corona virus that wreaked havoc during the Kovid epidemic. According to a research team led by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital in the US, Omicron’s BA.2 has less firepower than the original Omicron form. The researchers found that from March 3, 2020 to June 20 this year, out of 1,02,315 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the US, 20,770 cases were of the delta form, 52,605 of the true form of Omicron B.1.1. There were 28,940 cases.

The mortality rate was 0.7 percent for Delta, 0.4 percent for the original Omicron format, and 0.3 percent for Omicron BA.2. The Delta and the original Omicron versions were twice as likely to die compared to the Omicron BA.2, the researchers said. The study is published in the ‘Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Open’. According to the findings of the study, the severity of SARS-CoV-2 may be reduced.

Research on Omicron’s new variant BA.2

Study lead author Zachary Strasser said, ‘Although the SARS-CoV-2 virus always has the potential to mutate into a more lethal form, when you take the delta, omicron Looking at the recent impact of BA.2, Omicron BA.1, the virus is becoming less severe internally. Hopefully this trend will continue.

Also read: Sub-variant of corona virus can spread from animals to humans: Research

“We can continue to use our analysis methodology and methodology to assess many other questions,” Strasser said. Vaccination has the greatest effect on preventing covid in the long run, or do some treatments reduce the risk of covid.’

Tags: Corona Case, COVID 19, Omicron, Omicron Alert


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