September 20, 2024


The United States of America is considered one of the most powerful and developed countries in the world. According to a report by the World Population Review, the United Nations ranked this country 17th in its Human Development Index report. Now the country which will be so modern in every respect, the thinking and ways of the people there will also be modern! If you also think the same, then today we tell you about a strange competition in America, knowing that you will start questioning your thinking.

The country which has made iron outside the earth and has also measured the depths of the sea, which has made amazing development in technology and which is also at the top in terms of prosperity, there is a competition in America in which a fruit is to be swallowed (Spitting cherry). from mouth competition) and the one who spits the farthest is declared the winner. This competition, which takes place in Michigan, is called the Cherry Pit Spitting Championship, in which the contestants spit cherries from their mouths. This competition is held on the first Saturday of July.

How did this competition start?
This competition was started in the year 1974. A man named Herb Tekman was the owner of Tree-Mendus Fruit Farm. It was he who started this competition in the form of fun. His competition gradually started attaining the status of international level. Now this is celebrated in different states of America. After leaving America, now it is also played in countries like Australia, France, Germany, Canada.

How is the game played?
The contestant is placed on a mark and given three chances. He has to eat cherries 3 times and spit out its seeds. The one whose seed goes the farthest, wins. The title of spitting the longest cherry in the Guinness World Records is in the name of Brian Krause, who made it in the year 2004 by spitting seeds up to 93 feet 6.5 inches.

Tags: Ajab Gajab News, Trending news, Weird news


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