September 20, 2024


United Nations . Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky asked why India, Japan, Brazil and the United Nations are not permanent members of the Security Council. Zelensky said that ‘the day will surely come when it will be solved.’ Ukraine’s president said in his pre-recorded message during the general debate of global leaders at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, “A lot of talk has been done in terms of reforming the United Nations.” How will all this be resolved? No result came out.

‘A closer look at our peace thread, you will find that its implementation is already under the real reform of the United Nations. Our thread is universal, and connects the world from the north to the south. It encourages increasing representation of people in the world who have never been heard. He said, only Ukraine is saying this. Have you ever heard such words from Russia? While he is a permanent member of the Security Council. for which reason? After all, what is the reason that Japan, Brazil, Turkey, India, Germany or Ukraine are not its members. The day will surely come when this issue will be resolved.

Demand to increase the number of permanent members intensified

India has been at the forefront of efforts to push for urgently pending reforms in the Security Council at the United Nations. India itself has insisted that it deserves a place as a permanent member of the Security Council. Currently, the UN Security Council consists of five permanent members and 10 non-permanent member states, who are elected by the UN General Assembly for two-year terms. The five permanent members are Russia, Britain, China, France and the United States. These countries have the power to veto (withhold) any original proposal. Recently, the demand for increasing the number of permanent members is increasing.

Tags: Ukraine, United nations


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