September 20, 2024


Many men are such that they cannot listen in the matter of love. They feel that whatever they want from a woman, they should get that thing immediately. Then they consider the woman’s refusal to be an insult. Recently an American man did the same thing. These days, a video of a person is becoming viral on social media, who created a ruckus in the restaurant (American man fight in restaurant over woman) just after a woman refused.

According to the report of the Daily Star website, Michael Palacios, a resident of New York, was in a McDonald’s (Man attacks with axe in McDonald’s) at around 2 pm. Then he saw a girl there who was with his friends. Michael asked the girl for her number and started asking her about her home address. The girl did not like Michael’s attitude, so she refused to give any information. Just after that Michael started creating a ruckus there.

The man took out the ax in the restaurant
While talking to the Daily Star, several eyewitnesses told that even after the girl’s refusal, Michael was not moving away from there, so her friends intervened and an argument with Michael started. After this the debate turned into a scuffle. Michael endured the beatings of those people for some time without giving any reaction and then took out a small ax from his bag hanging on his back. After that he started attacking the woman’s friends and ransacked the restaurant. He broke the glass and the table. People are also seen running here and there in fear of him. After that he left from there but later the police arrested him. Eyewitnesses told that Michael was drinking alcohol, when he went near him, the smell of alcohol was coming very strong.

video going viral
An account named @WorldLatinHoney posted this video on Twitter, which has got more than 20 million views and thousands of people have also retweeted it. Violence by Michael can be clearly seen in the video. In another video posted in the comment section, Michael is seen going on his bicycle on the road and abusing a person sitting in a car.

Tags: Ajab Gajab News, Trending news, Weird news


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