September 20, 2024


Viral News: Anyone can be cheated, whether it is a policeman or a common man. A similar incident has come to light from America where the police mistook a dog as a wolf. Quickly, a campaign was launched to catch him. But when the police officers reached near this animal, everyone was stunned. Actually it was someone’s pet dog who got separated from his owner.

This incident is from the state of Oklahoma, USA. The City Police Department here visited a Children’s Day Care. In fact, he had received news that people around Pennsylvania had seen a wolf. But later, officials confirmed that the animal was not actually a wolf, but a missing dog. Actually, seeing this, people ate it because it was a different breed of dog. Of this, 85 percent was a wolf hybrid, the rest was a mixture of the Alaskan Malamute dog.

people got cheated
The police department later issued a statement on Twitter to let locals know that the pet dog had been reunited with its worried owner. A person here told how he mistook the pet as a wild animal. He said, ‘It looks like a wolf.’

Many people keep this breed
The police department later also said that they were not playing with the dog. Actually some people had said that the voices of the wolf are coming. Let us tell you that many animal lovers around the world choose to adopt a wolf-dog hybrid as a pet, but it can be difficult to do a little research there.

Tags: Viral news


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