September 20, 2024


This newly formed conference has been named – UNGA Forum of Women Leaders, whose meeting held on Tuesday discussed global issues.

The meeting was attended by Hungarian President Caitlin Novak, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Iceland’s Prime Minister Katrin Jacobsdottir, Samoa’s Prime Minister Fiam Naomi Matafa, Uganda’s Prime Minister Robinah Rabbanza, Aruba’s Prime Minister Alvin Vevar Kraus, and St. Maarten’s Prime Minister Sylvia E. Simultaneously, New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark attended.

positive contribution

Global crises such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the climate disaster, and conflict have shown how female leadership and decision-making can make a positive difference in executive roles, parliaments, and public administration.

For example, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and UN Women’s Organization – UN Women Figures from the U.S. show that governments in parliaments where women were more represented have adopted more gender-sensitive policies in their response to the pandemic. They also included policies aimed directly at strengthening the economic security of women.

Tuesday’s meeting, organized by the UN General Assembly President’s Office and UN Women, also supported the Council of Women World Leaders (CWWL).

transformational leadership

UN General Assembly President Kosaba Korosi, while addressing this meeting, presented arguments for the presence of more women in the government.

“Women’s leadership is transformative. The women with us today are living proof of this fact.”

“Inclusive government can result in policies that lead to long-term positive change. By involving the views of diverse women, especially at the highest level – governments can find effective and targeted solutions for the most needy.”

UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohamed (left) with Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zyde visits the drought-hit Somali region.

UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohamed (left) with Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zyde visits the drought-hit Somali region.

still far away

There are currently 193 member states of the United Nations, but only 28 women serve as elected heads of state or government.

To balance the proportion of women at other levels of political office, there still seems to be a long way to go.

Globally, women account for only 21 percent of all countries that have ministers in their governments, 26 percent of national parliamentarians, and 34 percent of seats in elected local governments.

A new UN report says that with the current pace or progress, the goal of equal representation between women and men, cannot be achieved before 2062.

UN Women’s Executive Director – UN Women – Seema Bauhaus, looks after the very important role of the newly formed Leadership Forum.

He says, “When more women lead in political and public life, it benefits everyone, especially in times of crisis.”

“A new generation of girls sees a better future for themselves. Health, education, child care, and violence against women should get better attention and better solutions. We have to explore all possible avenues to bring out the qualities and contributions of women leaders. This platform is an important opportunity for him.”

Women's leadership is a major driving force for achieving gender equality around the world.

Women’s leadership is a major driving force for achieving gender equality around the world.

‘Action must be taken’

The roots of the UNGA Global Forum for Women Leaders stem from September 2021, when the then UN General Assembly President Abdullah Shahid and women heads of state and government of countries met.

Abdullah Shahid underlined the importance of Tuesday’s meeting with statistics.

“If we look at our current progress, it may take 300 years to achieve gender equality. We absolutely have to take action now. The pace of resource investment in girls and women has to be increased. The level of efforts to empower women has to be increased. Opportunities have to be increased for girls. Gender based violence has to end.”


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