September 20, 2024



Poland accuses Russia of missile attack
Two people died in the attack, America talked to Poland
President Joe Biden holds meeting with G-20 countries

Warsaw. Poland said on Wednesday that a Russian rocket had killed two people in its eastern part near Ukraine. Although Russia has refused to accept it, Poland has called the Russian ambassador in Warsaw for clarification. The Polish Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday afternoon a Russian rocket fell in Przewodo, a village in eastern Poland about 6 kilometers from the border with Ukraine, killing two people. This statement of Poland was the most detailed comment about the explosion so far. Since the incident, the round of meetings is going on continuously in NATO countries.

On the matter, America said that ‘they cannot confirm the news coming from Poland right now. At present they are investigating it. NATO members are committed to collective defense. That’s why Russia’s strike on Poland can increase the conflict of Ukraine war. A NATO official said that ‘NATO’ is closely coordinating with Poland and looking into its report. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiec said Poland was increasing the preparation of military units, as well as determining whether to consult allies under Article 4 of NATO.

Joe Biden spoke to the President of Poland
The White House has also issued a statement regarding the whole matter. The White House said that US President Joe Biden spoke on the phone with Polish President Andrzej Duda. Biden has expressed Washington’s commitment to ‘NATO’. He said he would support Poland’s investigation. The news agency AP had earlier cited a senior US intelligence official as saying that the explosion occurred due to Russian missiles crossing Poland. But in Washington the Pentagon, the White House and the US State Department said they could not yet confirm the report. He is in touch with the Government of Poland for more information. The US State Department has called the report unreliable.

At the same time, other countries have also reacted to the whole incident. Germany and Canada have said they are monitoring the case. The European Union, the Netherlands and Norway said they were looking into the details of the incident. French President Emmanuel Macron has also ordered an inquiry. While NATO has called an emergency meeting regarding the whole incident, other countries have also issued statements asking for an inquiry.

Russia denied the attack
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has also attacked Russia. He said that Russian missiles have killed people in Poland. However, the Russian Defense Ministry has denied that Russian missiles struck Polish territory. Russia issued a statement saying that Russia did not attack inside Poland. All these things are being done deliberately to aggravate the matter.

Tags: NATO, Poland, Russia ukraine war


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