September 20, 2024


Deer crashes through window of nursing home: Many times animals stray from forests and reach residential areas. A similar scene was seen in New York recently. Suddenly a deer entered the nursing home by breaking the window. It is being said that the deer remained inside for about 10 minutes. During this there was chaos there. The video of this incident is now going viral on social media.

Looking at the video, it seems that the deer is jumping in the room and running around loudly. Actually he was struggling to get out. Not only this, the mirrors on the wall were continuously confusing the animal. It is a matter of relief that there was no patient or staff in the room where the deer had entered.
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Deer came out after 10 minutes
According to ABC News 10, after 10 minutes, the deer was taken out again. During this he broke another window. There was no staff or patient in the room during the incident. According to the report, no one got hurt due to the deer. Only the property of the nursing home was damaged.

Deer reached back to the forest
This video was recorded by Bill Bates, the staff there. In the video, you can even hear his voice. In between, he is also shouting at his staff. Administrator Neil Van Slyke told ABC News 10 that the deer went back into the woods without injury after police arrived on the scene.

Tags: OMG Video, Viral news


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