September 20, 2024


New Delhi: The ongoing tussle between the US and China is about to increase further, as the Pentagon has claimed that China has warned the US not to interfere in its relations with India. The Pentagon, the headquarters of the US Defense Department, has said in a report submitted to the Congress that China has warned US officials not to interfere in its relations with India.

Amid India’s own standoff along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), Chinese officials have tried to downplay the seriousness of the crisis, asserting that China’s intention is to maintain stability along the border and India’s stand on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the Pentagon said in a report on Tuesday. Other areas of its bilateral relationship with the US have to be saved from the damage caused by the standoff.

In its recent report to Congress on China’s military manufacturing capability, the Pentagon said, “The People’s Republic of China (PRC) wants to reduce tensions so that India does not get closer to the US.” PRC officials have warned US officials not to interfere in PRC’s relations with India.

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The Pentagon said that the PLA maintained troop deployments throughout 2021 in one section of the China-India border and continued to build infrastructure along the LAC. The report states that there has been minimal progress in the talks between the two countries (China-India) as both sides oppose the alleged disengagement on the border.

In fact, in the beginning of May 2020, Chinese and Indian army personnel clashed at many places along the LAC. There were several occasions when the two armies clashed with rocks, sticks and clubs wrapped in barbed wire. The standoff between India and China resulted in the deployment of more forces on both sides of the border. According to the Pentagon’s report, all the countries demanded to withdraw each other’s army and return to the position before the standoff, but neither China nor India agreed to those terms.

The Pentagon further said in the report, “The PRC blamed the standoff on Indian infrastructure construction, which it perceived as an encroachment on PRC territory, while India accused China of launching aggressive incursions into India’s territory.” Since the 2020 skirmish, the Chinese Army PLA has maintained a steady troop presence and continues to build infrastructure along the LAC.

The report said that the Galwan Valley incident of 2020 was the deadliest conflict between the two countries in the last 46 years. According to PRC officials, on 15 June 2020, troops from both countries violently clashed during patrolling in the Galwan Valley, resulting in the martyrdom of about twenty Indian soldiers and four PLA soldiers.

Tags: China india lac, India-China conflict, Pentagon


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