September 20, 2024



US Immigration and Customs Enforcement leaked data on more than 6,000 detainees
Detainees expressed concern about their safety, ICE said – data leaked by mistake, investigation continues

Washington: The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency said on Wednesday that the personal information of more than 6,000 people in its custody was inadvertently posted on its website for about five hours. The information included names, nationalities and the detention centers where people were kept. According to Human Rights First, an advocacy group spoke about the leak on Monday.

According to Human Rights First, all 6,252 people (whose identities were revealed) feared harassment. If the courts deny his request to remain in the United States and he is returned home, he may be in danger there. Eleanor Acer, the group’s senior director for refugee protection, said she was concerned that detainees or their families could be at risk in their home countries. “In some countries people are targeted, retaliated against seeking asylum,” Acer said.

ICE said – Data leaked by mistake
Regarding the whole matter, ICE said that, “in the process of regular updating” the data was mistakenly posted on an Excel spreadsheet. Which the agency had removed from its website 11 minutes after it was posted. The agency said in a statement, “Though unintentional, such leakage of information is a violation of policy and the agency is probing the incident. The agency is taking all necessary corrective action.” ICE said that detainees or their lawyers have been told about the leak.

Tags: America, World news, World news in hindi


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