September 20, 2024


UN Secretary General “Beyond biodiversity, beyond climate, there is also a central question in today’s world – justice,” Antonio Guterres said at a special event organized by the Global Youth Biodiversity Network and other youth organizations on Tuesday during COP15. . We live in a system where both the economic rules and the financial structure are morally bankrupt.

The 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity – COP15 will run until 19 December, and is expected to adopt a roadmap on the conservation, protection, restoration and sustainable management of biodiversity and ecology over the next decade.

Addressing the youth, the UN Secretary-General said, “Your leadership in dealing with the war against nature is the best sign of hope that this war is worth fighting and that there is a possibility of our victory.”

“Youth are at the forefront of the war for the restoration of humanity… Even when governments hesitate to take the situation seriously, youth remain active.”

He said that the youth of the world are active in convincing the civil society and business community that this is the right time to turn the tide. “This is the moment to make peace with nature.”

“This is the moment to consider that biodiversity and climate are two of the most pressing issues of our time, and two struggles in which we cannot lose sight of.”

huge reforms needed

The UN Secretary-General said that the world we live in is very unjust: for example (during the Covid-19 pandemic) the distribution of vaccines has been very discriminatory and unjust. In a city like New York, people got two vaccines, and some people got three vaccines. But there is still a huge population in the African continent who have not been able to get even the first vaccine.

He said that at the same time it is also a matter that since the economies of the developed countries are solid, they have increased the availability of their currency to the tune of trillions of dollars to help them recover from the pandemic.

Developing countries cannot increase the availability of their currency, because if they do so, the value of their currency will go down. Therefore, developing countries faced great difficulties in recovering from the pandemic, due to which education, health sector, employment and other areas of life were affected, and those countries also had to take huge loans.

The UN chief said, “We need to be able to say that to create a more equal economic and financial system, huge reforms are needed, in which developing countries can give their citizens the same guarantees as the benefits of technology in developed countries. Opportunities should be available.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres interacting with youth at the UN Biodiversity Conference - COP15, in Montreal, Canada.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres interacting with youth at the UN Biodiversity Conference – COP15, in Montreal, Canada.


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